A common bristle.

In the spirit of the artistic masters of days long gone, the Hog Bristle Painters, a collection of Cincinnati- based artists meet regularly to paint their visions and to offer their perspectives to one another . Although each artist embraces a unique genre, the group shares an affection for imparting formal and informal strategies as it pertains to a practice that stretches the millenniums.

The group, comprised of 16 artists, have been meeting since 2014 at the Woman’s Art Cultural Foundation in Mariemont. Styles include representational as well as abstract and the fluidity that connects them. Luminism, still life, portraiture, and disrupted realism are but several of the themes expressed by the painters.

The Hog Bristle Painters, all of whom have successfully sold their work in various markets, present an annual show of their collective work. Twenty percent of their proceeds help support the programs at this historic art center, located on Cambridge Avenue. Aside from sharing technique, the artists enjoy the camaraderie and the relaxed atmosphere each evening brings.

Constructed from the hairs of a hog’s back, durable and spongy, and natural at the tips, the hog-bristle brush was used by the masters.

Hog Bristle Painters